Fruit flies in the kitchen is a common problem in many homes. In most cases a pest control company is not needed. Knowing where to look and what to look for will help you solve the problem on your own. Flies in the kitchen? When a commercial customer calls and says that they have fly […]
What do termites look like, do you really know? More often than not the answer is “I know what termites look like I’ve seen them before”. The truth is that most people are wrong and that’s ok. There are pest control companies all over the world that would be happy to make the ID for […]
Bat flying in your house and it’s 3 am? This is probably one of the worst ways to be awakened, but you can end the situation quickly and safely without having to call anyone. What’s actually happening? Most people who have had a bat flying around their home aren’t happy about it. After all a […]
Mice getting into your house? You’re not alone. This is by far and away the most common problem homeowners have during the winter season. In fact, most pest control operations in winter will solely focus on this one pest. But how are they getting in? This question is fair to ask and to many homeowners […]
Carpenter ants on the roof can be a problem for many reasons, but it’s usually a symptom of a bigger issue. The person who finds them is usually a carpenter or a roofer. Carpenter ants on the roof usually means water damage Carpenter ants are a wood destroying insect and they love wet wood. These […]
Do you have small holes made by beetles in your floors? If you do you’re probably dealing with powder post beetle. This is a generic name for an entire group of wood eating beetles and larva. At first sight you may have images of the house falling down around you, but I can assure you […]
What is the cost of mouse extermination? It’s a question that pest control companies answer daily. However, instead of asking what is the cost of mouse extermination I think the real question is: what am I getting for my money? The extermination of mice at first glance may seem easy, but recently mice have become a year-round […]
Pest control for your home is a good investment. The reason is that it’s a rare homeowner that knows exactly what pests they have. Typically when a homeowner finds something they call a contractor, that’s another bad idea and we have proof. Over this past summer Envirocare received two different calls from customers, both needed […]
The best pest control services can be hard to find. This is especially true in a state like Connecticut where the competition is fierce. Fortunately there are metrics that you can use to compare and contrast one company vs another. When starting to look for a pest control company I’m going to assume a few […]
Can you have ants in your bathroom? YES! In fact, it’s more likely than not if you have a carpenter ant problem. The topic of ants in your bathroom is popular. The reason is not so much the ants, but where they may be coming from. If you’ve read any blog posts from our company […]