Termite inspections are among the hardest things a pest control company will do. The liability for termite inspections can be high. So high in fact many companies won’t provide the service. The average termite inspection cost will range form $90 to $300. What you’ll get for this money varies from one company to another. Why […]
Dead mouse issues, we all have them. The odor can linger for days and sometimes weeks. At our office we had our own experience with a dead mouse and here’s how we approached it. The first, and most obvious was candles and Lysol. Unfortunately all this did was mask the odor. Instead of having […]
Mice in walls can be a common problem that happens everyday. The reason is that mice have become a much more prolific problem over the years. The population of mice and other rodents has increased due to warmer winters. Without the cold winter to provide some type of winter kill rodents are able to breed […]
Having rats in your yard is a very common problem. In fact, it’s become more problematic for homeowners in recent years. The reason is that temperatures in the normally cold winter have risen. These warmer temperatures have reduced natural winter kill rates. If you have rats in your yard think about this. Do you also […]
Signs of wasp nests can range from the obvious to the down right dangerous. This is especially true for children and those who are allergic. What’s the difference and when do you need a professional if you see a sign of wasp nests. I’m choosing to tell you about the most dangerous signs of wasp […]
Large wasps on your lawn is a growing problem. We get many calls every year about them from frantic homeowners. These wasps are actually called Cicada killers. As the name implies they are parasitic to Cicadas. These wasps are very docile and aren’t a social wasp. They don’t build large hives and the likelihood of […]
Carpenter ant control need not be hard, but it does take a bit of know how. The reason is that without some background knowing where to start can be difficult. Our company talks to hundreds of people per year about carpenter ant control. For the most part all carpenter ant problems are the same. You’ll […]
Ants with wings are alarming to see in your home. The typical homeowner automatically thinks that when they see this they have termites. This may be the case, but there are far more instances when ants with wings aren’t termites at all. There are many insects that have wings. In fact, an ant with wings […]
Pest control prices vary from state to state as do the prices for apples and oranges. Pest control prices also vary from pest to pest. So, what’s a good price to pay for pest control? The answer isn’t that easy. For instance, a pest control price in New York will be much higher than in our […]
We were pleased to share some tick prevention tips with Doug from the CTBoom.com blog recently, including: Use pesticide treatments over organic treatments as the residual and effectiveness of these products is proven and more effective over the long term. Please click this link to read more tips and protect yourself from ticks this spring […]