It it a mouse or a rat? We get customers that call the office frequently with this question. The answer is mostly straight forward except when a juvenile rodent is involved. Having the answers ready to the following questions may help ease your mind. Are you seeing droppings? What size are they? Where are you […]
Carpenter ants and moisture go together. In fact, some of the worst carpenter ant damage that I’ve ever seen has been accompanied by moisture. This moisture typically means there is a leak. However, in some cases it’s much worse as you’ll read in this post. Crawl spaces, bugs and moisture Bugs love moisture and crawl […]
Mice getting into your house? You’re not alone. This is by far and away the most common problem homeowners have during the winter season. In fact, most pest control operations in winter will solely focus on this one pest. But how are they getting in? This question is fair to ask and to many homeowners […]
Ants in the spring is a normal event for homeowners to call about. In fact, it’s our number on service request during the months of April-June. The question is why and what does the weather if anything have to do with it? Weather and pests Every year like clock work we get calls from homeowners […]
Carpenter ants on the roof can be a problem for many reasons, but it’s usually a symptom of a bigger issue. The person who finds them is usually a carpenter or a roofer. Carpenter ants on the roof usually means water damage Carpenter ants are a wood destroying insect and they love wet wood. These […]
Do you have mice in your shed? It’s a common issue, but there are ways to stop this from happening. However, first you need to know how the mice are getting in. The vast majority of people are under the impression that just because you can stop mice from getting into your home that the […]
Mice in your hot tub can be a terrible problem. I know this first hand as it happened to me not long ago when I sold mine. I was so mortified at what happened as it was carted away I offered to fix the problem for free. Mice in your hot tub is bad, but […]
Mouse traps or glue boards are just two of the many methods available to someone looking to control mice. As a pest management professional I have a preference. We all know what a mouse trap looks like. As of late there have been some new entries into the market, but the truth is that they […]
How do mice get in houses it’s a comment that pest controllers hear all the time. The complaint comes from frustrated homeowners that just want mice gone forever. In some cases a service person can block up obvious areas, but in other cases mice just chew their way in again. Over the winter I was […]
Termites and pressure treated wood are generally two things you don’t hear in the same sentence. This is mainly because we’ve been led to believe that pressure treated wood will prevent all instances of termites. Contractors use treated wood for ground contact installs, new sill plates and finally even to repair termite damage. I have […]