Mouse traps or glue boards are just two of the many methods available to someone looking to control mice. As a pest management professional I have a preference. We all know what a mouse trap looks like. As of late there have been some new entries into the market, but the truth is that they […]
Termites and pressure treated wood are generally two things you don’t hear in the same sentence. This is mainly because we’ve been led to believe that pressure treated wood will prevent all instances of termites. Contractors use treated wood for ground contact installs, new sill plates and finally even to repair termite damage. I have […]
Keeping mice out of outdoor appliances is hard. There probably is no greater frustration in the spring time than getting a bill from a contractor for $1000 or more because mice got into a pool heater, generator or A/C condenser. Yet, every year this happens to thousands of people. Did you know this could […]
Bat versus mouse droppings are actually quite different in appearance. If you know the difference between the two your chances at controlling either pest rises. Get it wrong and it will be a complete failure. The methods of control for these pests are very different. In order to begin a discussion about poop, you’ll need […]
Yellow jackets nesting in walls is a common problem that we deal with in August and Sept. The key to control of this issue is to know where the wasps are and how they are getting in. Exterminating them is the easy part. However, even after 27 years in the business I’m still shocked by […]
The best pest control services can be hard to find. This is especially true in a state like Connecticut where the competition is fierce. Fortunately there are metrics that you can use to compare and contrast one company vs another. When starting to look for a pest control company I’m going to assume a few […]
How do mice get into homes? Do you know? Contrary to popular belief the vast majority of homes all have the same areas where mice are able to get inside. Also, there are some key tips to know where those areas are. Its a seasonal thing Every fall as the temperature dips the phone begins […]