Bats getting into your house can be a serious problem. The reason is all bats can potentially carry rabies. Another reason is that since bats return year after year to the same structures piles of fecal matter can become large. So where are bats getting into your house? Basement dwelling bats Of all the bat […]
Bat flying in your house and it’s 3 am? This is probably one of the worst ways to be awakened, but you can end the situation quickly and safely without having to call anyone. What’s actually happening? Most people who have had a bat flying around their home aren’t happy about it. After all a […]
Bat versus mouse droppings are actually quite different in appearance. If you know the difference between the two your chances at controlling either pest rises. Get it wrong and it will be a complete failure. The methods of control for these pests are very different. In order to begin a discussion about poop, you’ll need […]
Carpenter bees do damage to millions of homes each year. However, even though carpenter bees are considered wood destroying the damage they do is never structural. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know what to look for. During the months of April and May we get numerous calls from concerned homeowners. Many are concerned about the […]
Pest control in the fall is a very important time of the year to receive service. However, many homeowners ignore it because they assume pests are gone. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, many pests such as mice, stinkbugs, wasps and ants will overwinter in your home and emerge next spring. Here […]
Bat droppings in the attic are a sure sign that bats are or were in your home. This may seem obvious, but is the house infested? Probably not and even if it were bats are relatively easy to get rid of if you know how to do it. Over the years many people have been […]