Fruit flies in the kitchen is a common problem in many homes. In most cases a pest control company is not needed. Knowing where to look and what to look for will help you solve the problem on your own. Flies in the kitchen? When a commercial customer calls and says that they have fly […]
Chew holes from rats are a common sign of their presence. That’s why it never ceases to amaze me that people who have rats are surprised when we confirm their suspicions. In fact, most people stay in denial for a while before they call in professional help. If you’re not recognizing chew holes from rats […]
Mice in the basement is by far the most common symptom of mice found in homes. The reason is that there are just so many areas where they can get in. Mice are small and agile. In fact, in order to get into a home they only need a hole the diameter of a pencil. […]
Carpenter ants and moisture go together. In fact, some of the worst carpenter ant damage that I’ve ever seen has been accompanied by moisture. This moisture typically means there is a leak. However, in some cases it’s much worse as you’ll read in this post. Crawl spaces, bugs and moisture Bugs love moisture and crawl […]
Mice getting into your house? You’re not alone. This is by far and away the most common problem homeowners have during the winter season. In fact, most pest control operations in winter will solely focus on this one pest. But how are they getting in? This question is fair to ask and to many homeowners […]
Carpenter ants on the roof can be a problem for many reasons, but it’s usually a symptom of a bigger issue. The person who finds them is usually a carpenter or a roofer. Carpenter ants on the roof usually means water damage Carpenter ants are a wood destroying insect and they love wet wood. These […]
Do you have small holes made by beetles in your floors? If you do you’re probably dealing with powder post beetle. This is a generic name for an entire group of wood eating beetles and larva. At first sight you may have images of the house falling down around you, but I can assure you […]
Mouse traps or glue boards are just two of the many methods available to someone looking to control mice. As a pest management professional I have a preference. We all know what a mouse trap looks like. As of late there have been some new entries into the market, but the truth is that they […]
Termites and pressure treated wood are generally two things you don’t hear in the same sentence. This is mainly because we’ve been led to believe that pressure treated wood will prevent all instances of termites. Contractors use treated wood for ground contact installs, new sill plates and finally even to repair termite damage. I have […]
Keeping mice out of outdoor appliances is hard. There probably is no greater frustration in the spring time than getting a bill from a contractor for $1000 or more because mice got into a pool heater, generator or A/C condenser. Yet, every year this happens to thousands of people. Did you know this could […]