Carpenter ants and moisture go together. In fact, some of the worst carpenter ant damage that I’ve ever seen has been accompanied by moisture. This moisture typically means there is a leak. However, in some cases it’s much worse as you’ll read in this post. Crawl spaces, bugs and moisture Bugs love moisture and crawl […]
Sawdust from carpenter ants in Connecticut is a common thing to see, especially in the spring and summer. However, did you know that other pests create frass as well? Some of those pests are from our area while others are not. Knowing what frass looks like is the key to identification of the pest you […]
How bad are carpenter ants? The simple answer is very bad. The reason is that the typical homeowner doesn’t recognize the damage that ants can do or what ongoing conditions help them do it. Carpenter ants are a wood destroying insect, but they don’t eat wood they chew through it and build nests in it. […]
Why is there sawdust falling from your roof? Well, the simple answer is that you likely have bugs. The problem is which kind. Not all insects create sawdust, but depending on the time of the year it’s likely one of the following. How many times have you been looking out the kitchen window in May […]
Do carpenter ants eat wood? The simple answer is no, but there’s more to it than that. For instance is what you’re looking at really a carpenter ant? In the months of April-August our phones are kept busy with what I think is the number one pest in CT. The carpenter ant. In order to […]
Ants in spring are a common call that we get. In fact, some people call the same exterminator year after year to “kill” these ants. Yet next year they’re back again. Here’s a Connecticut pest control secret. Depending on the weather and time of year the ants your dealing with are likely the same ants […]
Pest control in the fall is a very important time of the year to receive service. However, many homeowners ignore it because they assume pests are gone. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, many pests such as mice, stinkbugs, wasps and ants will overwinter in your home and emerge next spring. Here […]
Wood boring bees are solitary and a big problem in Ct every May and into June. The problem with these bee’s is twofold. They’re a nuisance when they hover at the roof line and the damage they cause is unsightly. Carpenter bees are here to stay, read on and learn a bit more about them. […]
Do carpenter bees nest? It’s a fair question, but the answer is not as simple. The fact is that most people associate wasps, hornets and bumble bees with have a nest. This is rightfully so as each one of these “bees” as social wasps. However, the carpenter bee is much different. If its spring and […]
You found a carpenter ant in your home, now what? The first thing to do is not to panic. There are plenty of people everyday who are facing the same problem. The real test of whether you should worry has to do with the additional questions you should be asking yourself. Is this the first […]