Wood boring bees are solitary and a big problem in Ct every May and into June. The problem with these bee’s is twofold. They’re a nuisance when they hover at the roof line and the damage they cause is unsightly. Carpenter bees are here to stay, read on and learn a bit more about them. […]
Carpenter bee holes are amazing to look at. If you’ve never seen a carpenter bee hole, they’re perfectly round and about the diameter of a dime. I’ve been in the pest control industry for 25 years and as my career has progressed I’ve begun to realize what a damaging pest carpenter bees actually are. Having carpenter […]
Carpenter bees and carpenter bee damage is difficult to prevent. Every spring between April and June the phone at the office begins to ring off the hook with homeowners who have carpenter bees and are afraid of carpenter bee damage. It’s worth noting that carpenter bee damage is never structural in nature. The damage that […]
Carpenter bees attacking your home can be problematic. The treatment of carpenter bees can be even more problematic depending on the location of the infestation. In this post I want to go over the basic biology of carpenter bees, how they’re treated, why you have them, and some self help tips. Carpenter Bee Biology The […]
Carpenter bees will come to your home in May every year, many people aren’t happy about this. Here are some facts that you should know about carpenter bees and how to choose an exterminator. I also detailed a problem carpenter bee extermination job that we experienced in Southbury, CT last year. Carpenter Bee Facts […]
Woodpecker damage can be unsightly and we get a lot of calls for them. Typically, woodpeckers will peck at the corner of the home and also at areas where there is known insect activity. Such is the case in this picture where the birds have opened carpenter bee exit holes to get at the overwintering […]
Carpenter bee extermination. I received a call on Tuesday from a client who has carpenter bees at their home. The problem is that woodpeckers are destroying the fascia board in their attempt to gain access to the developing larva. The customer was obviously upset with the answer that I gave. Here goes… Unfortunately, the time […]