Ants in the kitchen: What does it mean?

So, you have ants in the kitchen? You’ll be surprised to know that this is the most common issue we hear during the warm weather months.  There are many reasons for it,  lets take a look at some areas and let’s concentrate on carpenter ants. This is where the food is Ants in the kitchen […]

You found a carpenter ant in your home, now what?

You found a carpenter ant in your home, now what? The first thing to do is not to panic.  There are plenty of people everyday who are facing the same problem.  The real test of whether you should worry has to do with the additional questions you should be asking yourself.  Is this the first […]

What does carpenter ant frass: What does it look like?

Carpenter ant frass is sometimes difficult to identify, but a homeowner can typically make the diagnosis on their own if they’ve got some background information.  After reading the following list I’m sure you’ll be able to answer the question:  What does carpenter ant frass look like just like a pro. What is carpenter ant frass anyhow? […]