What is the cost of mouse extermination? It’s a question that pest control companies answer daily. However, instead of asking what is the cost of mouse extermination I think the real question is: what am I getting for my money? The extermination of mice at first glance may seem easy, but recently mice have become a year-round […]
Yellow jackets nesting in walls is a common problem that we deal with in August and Sept. The key to control of this issue is to know where the wasps are and how they are getting in. Exterminating them is the easy part. However, even after 27 years in the business I’m still shocked by […]
The best pest control services can be hard to find. This is especially true in a state like Connecticut where the competition is fierce. Fortunately there are metrics that you can use to compare and contrast one company vs another. When starting to look for a pest control company I’m going to assume a few […]
Knowing how to get rid of yellow jackets is a useful skill for the homeowner because the yellow jacket is very common and can provide a painful sting from a stinger located on its hind. If you know how to get rid of yellow jackets safely, it could be the difference between life and death […]