The true cost of termite treatment and inspection is different depending on who you talk to. In order to be sure that your’re getting the most for your money there are some things that you should know before you purchase the service. What do termites look like? Here’s a fact, we have people call our […]
Termite damage and homeowners insurance are two terms that don’t go together very well. The reason is that most insurance companies wont’ cover initial termite damage to a home. I know that may seem unfair, but it’s a fairly common practice among most all insurance companies. Read on to find out why. Every year termites […]
So, you’re buying a home and now it’s time to get inspections in order. First, congratulations! Now, what kind of inspections should you have? Certainly at the top of the list is a good inspection for the following items: Heat Electric Structural Roof Water, radon and septic Next, you really need to think about a CT […]
Termite damage repair cost can be an enormous expense. The reason is that just as no two houses are the same no two termite problems are the same either. I’ve seen termite damage repair cost little more than a few hundred dollars and I’ve seen it run $10k plus. In most cases the repair cost […]
Termite inspections are among the hardest things a pest control company will do. The liability for termite inspections can be high. So high in fact many companies won’t provide the service. The average termite inspection cost will range form $90 to $300. What you’ll get for this money varies from one company to another. Why […]
Termite mud tubes are by far the most common sign of termites. Especially the eastern subterranean termite as it’s the only termite we have in CT. The subterranean termite is very elusive and if you don’t know what you’re looking for it’s mud tubes can be hard to find. Once found though you’ll need to […]
Termites. Termite damage, termite evidence. It’s all the same and if it’s in the main beam of your home it’s a serious issue. I’m guessing this statement doesn’t come as a big shock, but remember not all termite damage is created equal. In fact, not all damage to a main beam is even termite damage. […]
Termites in a basement beam is actually one of the most common issue that we find in the CT pest control industry. In fact termites in a basement beam can be narrowed down to a few “most likely” areas. If you know what you’re looking for finding termites is easy. However, if you’re wrong the […]
Termite exterminator needed for a home? I wonder how many times termite exterminator needed for a home is entered into the Google search engine? My guess is that the number will likely get into the millions. The reason is that needing a termite exterminator for a home is by far one of the most common […]
Termite damage repair can be very costly, sometimes. So, what are the real costs and where do they come from? Read on. The real cost of termite damage repair The repair of termite damage is rarely in the cost of materials. In fact, most termite damage repairs may only require $1000-$1500 in materials. The real […]