Termite control problems can happen at any job. Fortunately though manufacturers have provided better pesticides that combat these issues. However, sometimes a situation occurs that is so rare it will take a lot of investigation to solve the issue at hand. The following is one such occasion. A big termite problem: Solving the mystery of […]
Where to find termites in your home is an easy task for someone with experience. However, doing your own termite inspection as a homeowner is like diagnosing yourself for a disease. You may know a little bit because you read it on the internet, but real world experience is invaluable. If you live in CT […]
Can termites eat drywall? It’s a fair question to ask considering that the damage caused by termites costs consumers about 30 billion dollars per year. Termites are also known to be voracious eaters and studies have estimated that 50K termites can devour one foot of 2×4 in about 6 months. Taking all that into account […]
Termites and foam insulation don’t mix, period! The question is why? I’ve been around the pest control block a few times and most moderately experienced builders will tell you that foam board insulation is a problem. The reason is that termites can eat foam when buried in the soil against the foundation. This was/is an […]
Small ants with wings are a problem that pest control companies in Connecticut deal with all the time. Many times these pests are only a problem for a few days and then disappear. When they’re gone some homeowners tend to think it was just a passing problem because of a spring warm up. These homeowners […]
Termite treatment cost in CT can vary and there are really two main reasons why. The first is that the products in the industry are far better than they were 20 years ago. The second is there’s more competition. Believe it or not these two reasons seem like a good thing, but for the consumer […]
VA termite inspections, does your home need one and what are the consequences?. The VA offers great interest rates on loans for men and women who have served in our armed forces. However, many of these loans have difficult requirements that can hold up a loan. The two main requirements that effect pest control are […]
Termites in CT are a common problem. They’re so common that they’re one of the top 3 pests we provide service for. Termites in CT come from the soil and and get into homes in some fairly typical areas. There are also some towns in CT where termites are more likely to be found. In […]
Signs of termites in your home can be upsetting, but are you sure what you’re looking at are really termites? Over the past 25 years I’ve inspected 1000’s of homes for termites. In that time many people who thought they had termites actually had an unrelated pest issue. In fact, many of the issues we […]
I don’t know why, but many people are shocked to hear that there are termites in Connecticut. The truth be told it’s actually a fairly common problem. I’m guessing that people mistakenly believe that since we have harsh winters there’s no way a termite could survive. However, Mother Nature is always working and gave termites a […]