Termite control problems

Termite control problems can happen at any job.  Fortunately though manufacturers have provided better pesticides that combat these issues.  However, sometimes a situation occurs that is so rare it will take a lot of investigation to solve the issue at hand.  The following is one such occasion.

A big termite problem: Solving the mystery of an ongoing termite issue

termite control problems
Visible side of drywall

Recently Envirocare Pest Control was called to consult on a commercial building that had ongoing termite control problems.  The building had extensive damage throughout and had been treated multiple times in the past by other companies.

The first issue that needed to be resolved was if the previous companies identified ALL the areas where termite control problems existed.  The answer was no.  Before starting any treatment our first step was to reinspect the entire structure.  During this inspection we found additional termite activity which was previously unnoticed.  The termites had managed to find their way into a ceiling cavity 7′ off the ground.

Termite control problems
Extensive termite damage and activity to the hidden side of drywall


Second, we drew a graph documenting where all the termite damage was.  The graph was involved and included heat pipe location, water lines, foundation type and heating type.  We put these on the graph so that our service people would have an idea of where treatment should not take place.  When drilling into concrete we investigate all under ground pipes so as not to inadvertently hit them.

Hollow block
Termite mud tubes coming through block

Next, we had to find out how exactly the termites were gaining access.  We discovered that the termites we coming through an interior hollow block wall feeding on the wood studs and then making their way to the ceiling.

Treatment options:  A complete termite treatment

Last, we needed to solve the issue for good.  In order to do this a service was provided on the exterior.  The treatment consisted of drilling exterior slabs and digging trenches around the building; after this was complete the holes and trenches were treated and repaired

As for the interior we treated the newly exposed hollow block by drilling holes into it every 12″. In defense of the companies before us we insisted that we have access inside an interior wall that we felt strongly the termites were coming from.

Not all termite treatment have as much activity and damage as this building did, but when it happens it can be rewarding

to solve a problem for a customer.  If you have termites and need help call Envirocare Pest Control at 1-888-879-6481