Bats in barns are a very common problem in rural towns like Southbury, CT. Recently we were called to a home that had a barn that was being used as an antique storage area. As you can imagine having bat guano and urine drop onto antiques is not a good thing. Bat guano has been […]
Bats in your house especially an attic areas happen all the time but what about a basement? Bats are a concern and you may need to hire a qualified exterminator like Envirocare Pest Control to perform a bat exclusion. The bat caught in this mouse trap was taken in a home in Southbury, CT. The […]
Needing a bat extermination like this home in Wolcott, CT is a bit misleading as Envirocare Pest Control goes out of our way NOT to hurt bats while we perform bat exclusions. Bats are vital to the ecosystem and need to be protected as much as possible. That’s why when we perform a bat exclusion […]
The following is an account of a bat inspection which later turned into a bat exclusion in Washington, CT. We were called to this particular home for a bat in the house. Upon getting to the home we provided an inspection in the attic areas. Bats we found congregating in the attic around the louver […]
I inspected a barn this week in Litchfield, Ct for the presence of bats. When I arrived there was no doubt that the bats had been there. Further, there was no doubt that something had to be done about the bat droppings strewn throughout the barn as seen below. Before cleaning bat guano, mouse droppings […]
A bat in the house is a major cause for concern. Many homeowners have been awakened in August to a bat in the house and wonder what to do. The proper procedure for this type of situation is to close the bat in a room and open the window. The likelihood is that the bat […]
Bat exclusions are set to begin next week and we are all set to go. I get asked all the time so I wanted to give our customers and potential customers a quick overview of exactly how we do bat exclusions. First and foremost we do not kill bats. The entire process is centered around […]
Today I received a call from a homeowner that really had a problem. Mrs. X was perplexed as to how rodents and bats could be so different, yet their droppings were the same. Mrs. X was wrong—their droppings are not the same. This is a common identification problem that has an easy solution. Here’s how to […]
Do you have a bat in your house? I’ll make this short and sweet. I know lots of bats are dying in winter tabernacles in the northeast, but we still are getting complaint calls about bats in peoples homes. If a bat ends up unannounced in your home here is what to do: 1. Don’t […]
On an almost daily basis our company fields calls about strange noises in the attic. Most if not all noises coming from the attic can be attributed to either rodents, bats or squirrels. Here’s how to tell the difference before you call a pro: Bats normally make a noise that sounds like flapping wings hitting a […]