A bat in the house is a major cause for concern. Many homeowners have been awakened in August to a bat in the house and wonder what to do. The proper procedure for this type of situation is to close the bat in a room and open the window. The likelihood is that the bat will escape and you can go back to bed. This procedure should only be followed IF you’re positive no one in the home has had direct contact with the bat in the house. Although there is only a 1% chance of the bat being rabid, rabies is fatal 100% of the time and should be taken very seriously. If you think that you may have had contact with a bat in the house, you’ll need to catch the bat and have it tested.
Catching a bat in the house
Step one, wait for it to land. Next, get a box and gently place the box over the bat. Last, slid a piece of cardboard under the opening so the bat is trapped in the box. Make sure your wearing long sleeves and thick gloves.
If your positive you haven’t had contact you can let the bat go and it’s over. If you’ve had contact the bat will need to be tested at the State of Connecticut Virology lab.
What Next?
The fact that you’ve had a bat in your house means that there’s likely more. Envirocare Pest Control provides free bat inspections. Bats are great for the habitat due to the number of flying insects they eat, but bats in your house can cause a health hazard. Envirocare allows bats to exit the home and then provides bat exclusion services to seal the home.
Cost of a bat exclusion
Bat exclusions vary in cost due to heights, entrance areas and the amount of cleanup that is needed. We provide all these services.
Please call 1-888-879-6481 if you have had a bat in the house/