Do you have rodents in walls?

Having rodents in walls is a common issue that needs to be dealt with. Fortunately there’s help available, but keep in mind what you think is a mouse may actually be something else. During the fall, winter and early spring pest control companies get many calls for rodents in walls. These strange noises are typically attributed to […]

How to get rid of yellow jackets

Knowing how to get rid of yellow jackets is a useful skill for the homeowner because the yellow jacket is very common and can provide a painful sting from a stinger located on its hind. If you know how to get rid of yellow jackets safely, it could be the difference between life and death […]

Carpenter bee holes in your home

Carpenter bee holes are amazing to look at. If you’ve never seen a carpenter bee hole, they’re perfectly round and about the diameter of a dime. I’ve been in the pest control industry for 25 years and as my career has progressed I’ve begun to realize what a damaging pest carpenter bees actually are. Having carpenter […]

Termites in Connecticut

I don’t know why, but many people are shocked to hear that there are termites in Connecticut. The truth be told it’s actually a fairly common problem. I’m guessing that people mistakenly believe that since we have harsh winters there’s no way a termite could survive. However, Mother Nature is always working and gave termites a […]

Cost of Termite Treatment and Inspection

The true cost of termite treatment and inspection is different depending on who you talk to. In order to be sure that your’re getting the most for your money there are some things that you should know before you purchase the service. What do termites look like? Here’s a fact, we have people call our […]

You found a carpenter ant in your home, now what?

You found a carpenter ant in your home, now what? The first thing to do is not to panic.  There are plenty of people everyday who are facing the same problem.  The real test of whether you should worry has to do with the additional questions you should be asking yourself.  Is this the first […]