Ants in the kitchen and bathroom, does that sound familiar? If it does be rest assured that you’re not alone. During the months of April, May and June it’s the most common type of call we field. The offending ant is typically a carpenter ant. This may vary from state to state, but in the […]
Carpenter ant control need not be hard, but it does take a bit of know how. The reason is that without some background knowing where to start can be difficult. Our company talks to hundreds of people per year about carpenter ant control. For the most part all carpenter ant problems are the same. You’ll […]
Ants with wings are alarming to see in your home. The typical homeowner automatically thinks that when they see this they have termites. This may be the case, but there are far more instances when ants with wings aren’t termites at all. There are many insects that have wings. In fact, an ant with wings […]
Ant control for your home is an important part of good housekeeping. Not only are ants a nuisance, but some ants can do damage. Our company is in CT so we focus on several ants when providing ant control for your home. The ants we most often hear about are carpenter ants, pavement ants and […]
Ants in the kitchen is the number one reason why CT residents seek the help of a pest control company. Our company fields 100’s of calls per year from homeowners with the same issue. Having ants in the kitchen is not a sign that your home is dirty. So, what exactly is wrong with having […]
I’ve got carpenter ants in my home? As a CT exterminator I’m never terribly surprised when people tell me this because, frankly there are a lot of carpenter ants in CT. The reasons vary greatly from house to house, but the ending is always the same. The homeowner has them, they want to get rid […]
Over the years I’ve found many carpenter ant colonies and seen a lot of carpenter ant damage. Most people outside of the pest control industry confuse carpenter ant damage with termite damage, water damage and wood boring beetle damage. However, the distinction between them all is easy to recognize if you know what you’re looking […]
Having ants in the dishwasher is a common problem. So common in fact, I’d say it’s close to the number one complaint we hear from customers who call for new service. Here’s what’s going on. All living things need food, water and shelter to survive. All ant colonies are extremely busy during the warm months […]
Strange noises in the walls? I, like every other pest control person that this customer spoke with thought that the strange noise in the walls would be from a mouse, rat or maybe even a squirrel. In fact, I was so confident of this that I tried to sell the job over the phone. Had […]
The sound of carpenter ants in walls can be unnerving to a homeowner but actually hearing carpenter ants is not as common as you’d think. What do carpenter ants in walls sound like? People describe the sound as: Crackling that is very similar to the sound cereal makes when you add milk Crumpling paper or […]