By now everyone knows that having carpenter ants is not a good thing, but most people think ants, especially carpenter ants, are only a spring/summer problem. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Plenty of unsuspecting homeowners have carpenter ant colonies residing within their homes year round. In fact, as a general rule our company always […]
Needing a mouse exterminator in CT is not unusual. With the onset of fall and colder evening temperatures mouse season begins and your home may be at risk of becoming a mouse hotel. Following these steps as well consulting with a pest management professional can lessen the amount of time these creatures live with […]
When you purchase a new home a wood destroying insect inspection should always be included. Even in cooler climates such as Connecticut they are still important, we have just as many wood destroying insects as most other states. In fact, according to industry experts Connecticut has heavy to moderate termite activity, so why isn’t every […]
In case you haven’t noticed pest control services have become very popular as of late. This is due to the huge increase in bed bug activity throughout the nation. Bed bugs are spreading so quickly that they soon will reach epidemic status. As the problem becomes larger more individuals are entering the industry looking to […]
The colder nights of fall will bring lady bugs and cluster flies into your home, they’re seeking refuge from the winter to come. These pests can be alarming when found in your home only because they come in abundant numbers. The trick to stopping these pests begins on the outside of your home. The biology […]
Today I received a call from a homeowner that really had a problem. Mrs. X was perplexed as to how rodents and bats could be so different, yet their droppings were the same. Mrs. X was wrong—their droppings are not the same. This is a common identification problem that has an easy solution. Here’s how to […]
On an almost daily basis our company fields calls about strange noises in the attic. Most if not all noises coming from the attic can be attributed to either rodents, bats or squirrels. Here’s how to tell the difference before you call a pro: Bats normally make a noise that sounds like flapping wings hitting a […]