Repairing termite damage is a must when it crosses the line from minor damage to structural damage. However, you can’t stop there a treatment must also take place.
Not treating a home for termites after a repair is a bad idea. Here’s why
Repairing termite damage that’s structural
When purchasing a new home or doing a remodel on your current home you’ll likely have an inspection. During the inspection many techniques will be used to visually find evidence of termites. In Ct, we inspect the entire home, but most if not all the damage from termites will be in the basement. The areas that are typically damaged are the rim joist, sill plate and the floor joists.
Damage to the sill and floor joists from termites
Of the three areas listed above the two most important will be the sill plate and floor joists. If these areas are badly damaged a repair will need to take place.
Repairing termite damage has two distinct phases:
- Physical repair of the damage created by the termites
- Treatment of the structure so the termites don’t return
As a company we DO NOT repair termite damage, but we’re often called in to diagnose and make recommendations before treatment.
Without termite treatment the best repair is incomplete
This article was prompted by an inspection that I was called to today. The home at one time had a severe termite issue. There was extensive damage to both the rim and floor joists. The picture to the left only shows part of the repairs that were made as an illustration. There were similar repairs both to the left and the right of this area. Unfortunately, whoever repaired the home never made the suggestion that a treatment take place.
As the inspection progressed I inevitably found more termite damage in areas that were not repaired. There’s no way to know if the termites moved or they weren’t originally found. In either scenario the house had a known termite issue that could have been stopped without the inconvenience of the additional damage that occurred.
Some mortgages will require treatment before the sale
If your home is backed by a mortgage repairing termite damage that is found during an inspection may be out of your hands. Some mortgages such as VA and FHA have very stringent requirements about termite damage inspection and repair. It would be in your best interest to discuss this with both your realtor and mortgage person ASAP. If done incorrectly it may delay your closing.
Treating for termites when you find live termites is an easy decision. However, in some cases not all areas of termite activity will be found and some houses may only have damage, but no live termites. In either case treating the home will stop the damage in both areas that were repaired as well as areas that may not have been found.
Taking care of the problem now may save you a lot of trouble and money down the road.
Does your home have termites or do you need a free termite inspection? Envirocare Pest Control can help. Call 1-888-879-6481.