A pest control career can be a very rewarding job, but being the owner is a better goal. Before I tell you why, let’s get a few things out of the way. A pest control career is not for the faint of heart. On some days you may see and smell some things that you never have before. These days (which are few) literally stink! However, once you accept that these days happen occasionally, pest control will seep into your blood. Most people who make it 3-5 years don’t want to leave. I sure didn’t.
The pest control industry is diverse, consisting of both men and women. It will also be found in virtually every country in the world in some form or another. Pest control companies range from small one man operations to mid range companies and big conglomerates that cash in billions in yearly revenue. Oh yes, and we do use pesticides, judiciously of course, but they are necessary.
Career, Franchise or both?
A pest control career can flourish in one of two ways. The usual route is that you join a larger company as a 20 something route technician and then decide where that will take you. You may like being a service person, end up in management or if you have the entrepreneurial spirit you can start your own company.
What if you don’t take the usual route and your between careers, have a bit of money to invest and don’t want to work for someone else? A franchise in a stable industry may be for you.
A pest control franchise is a career and investment rolled into one. An Envirocare Pest Control franchise can be started with no experience, low start-up and franchise fees and a great ROI, but like anything else there are obstacles. You’ll need to bring to the table a drive to succeed, funds to get started and a refuse to quit attitude. We can’t help you with that, but we can give you the proper training and start-up guidance to be a success.
Operating a Pest Control Business
As a franchisor with an existing pest control operation we can train you in what works and what doesn’t. Also, since our objective is to be regional our existing operation and your new company will likely be doing the same things at the same time. If it works for us it may work for you.
Next, there’s state licensing. You CANNOT enter the pest control industry without a license. This is the single hardest part about entering our field, but we can help with this process too.
Do you have what it takes?
Purchasing a franchised business is a great way to get to know the ropes of an industry. Let’s face it, all industries have secrets to success. In the pest control industry it’s NOT just about killing bugs. If that were the case everyone in the industry would have the same level of success, they don’t. Purchasing a franchise from an experienced company with existing operations has a multitude of positive features.
We’d like to share that with you.
If you’re interested in a pest control franchise and think you have what it takes call Envirocare Franchise Systems at 1-888-879-6481. Or shoot the owner an email at [email protected].