Mouse Control in CT
Mouse control in Ct is one of the most popular services that a pest control company can offer. All over Ct companies field multiple calls per day from both current and new customers. Everyone has the same complaint. How do I get rid of mice and keep them away for good? The answer may seem easy, but not all companies do it the same.
Simple mouse biology
In order to understand how to get rid of mice you must know what you’re up against. The common house or field mouse has multiple litters per year and each litter contains 7-9 young. These same mice are ready to reproduce quickly and add to the population, inside or out. A mouse can also fit into a hole the diameter of a dime. All these abilities make mouse control in CT difficult at best.
What are the most common areas that rodents seem to enter?
When talking about rodents I think everyone is in agreement that mice can get in a home in lots of ways, but what are the most common areas? The following are those areas:
- Bilco doors: This type of door is a common install in Ct homes. Its called a hatch door, but the brand name is Bilco. I’m sure this door is well made, but over the years wear and tear take hold and this allows rodents to enter. The typical area is at the front where the doors don’t quite sit flush to the frame.
- Damaged weatherstripping: A garage in Ct is a must. Our winters are cold and there’s nothing like getting into a warmer car when it’s 5 degrees outside. Unfortunately, garages are havens for mice. They chew the weatherstripping at the base and sides to get in.
- Utility penetrations: We certainly need heat, electricity and AC, but the drilled openings in the siding allow mice inside if the hole is bigger than the pipe.
- Corners: It’s a well known fact that if you have mice in the attic then they have climbed up the corners of the home. This is very common.
- Open doors: This may seem like an easy one, but many people leave garages open more than they should. If you’re that person you run the risk of letting mice in.
They’re inside now, how do we catch them?
The average mouse in 2019 isn’t as easy to catch as he used to be. If you talk to any 1st year exterminator they will tell you that mice are curious and they will readily check out new things in their environment (aka traps). What happens when the mice do not check out new things in their environment? This one piece of knowledge will help when controlling mice. The professional will use multiple ways to catch and kill mice. At our disposal are snap traps, glue boards and rodenticides. We use them all in mass quantities. We also now have to treat mice like rats in some cases.
There is a difference between rat and mouse control when using snap traps. When setting traps for mice, the traps are placed and set immediately. When setting traps for rats you must set and prebait the traps. Then you must wait until the rat eats the bait and becomes accustomed to the trap being in their environment. Only after this happens should a trap be set. The reason is that rats are shy and cautious about their environment. It will take them time to approach a new trap. Once they eat the bait from the trap that is not set fresh bait is placed on the trap and then the trap is set. When the rat goes back to the set trap they will then get caught. In some instances mice are now doing the same thing. In problem accounts mice sometimes need to be approached like rats.
Keeping mice out
The holy grail of pest control is how to master keeping mice out of the home once the interior problem is under control. The average consumer that purchases mouse control in Ct demands that the pest control company find a way to do this. The problem is not all pest control companies provide this service. Given that there are multiple ways for a rodent to get into a home, doing an inspection and finding every area of entry isn’t practical. Sure, we’ve all gotten lucky and found the one area mice are getting in, but this certainly is not the norm.
A better way to provide permanent rodent exclusion is to cut off all the areas where mice may gain entrance. Some of the most common areas of entry are the siding lip, roof line, bilco doors, corners, fireplace frames and garages. If even one of these areas are missed mice will eventually return.
What materials keep mice out?
The answer to this is easy, metal!! However, this only works when its measured, bent and folded to cover all the areas where mice may enter. If done correctly it will not only make the home impenetrable, it looks good too.
In closing, what the average mouse lacks in stature it more than makes up for in abilities. Sometimes having these abilities is all it needs to succeed and thrive.
If you have mice and need help, call Envirocare Pest Control at 1-888-879-6481.