Mosquito spraying is likely to reach record levels in CT for 2017. More people are aware of the service and demand has been rising steadily. The most effective way of controlling mosquitoes is through a regular mosquito spraying program. A program like this can help keep adult mosquitoes at bay and breeding areas to a minimum.
So, what does a program look like for your yard?
- Vegetation management
- Breeding area reduction
- Judicious use of pesticides
The homeowner can help
There are many yards that have overgrown brush, weeds and trees. Many homeowners are oblivious to the fact that this overgrowth effects a good mosquito spraying program. The adult mosquito needs daytime resting areas. The overgrowth in a yard accomplishes two things that can effect a good mosquito treatment.
The first, is that overgrowth creates hiding places that normally wouldn’t be there. The second, is that it makes the yard physically inaccessible for a good mosquito treatment.
Next, breeding reduction needs to be addressed. All mosquitoes start their life cycle in water. The typical yard has many areas that trap water. It can be as simple as leaving the keys toys in the yard before a rain storm. Flipping over the toys, covering a sandbox and putting a larvacide in bird baths are simple things that can go along way to stopping a mosquito problem before it starts.
Last, a mosquito spraying program needs to have the use of a pesticide. The application should take place with a mist blower. A mist blower is a powerful piece of equipment that allows the delivery of products deep into the hiding spots of adult mosquitoes. A good program will use a product that has some type of residual to it.
If done correctly a mosquito spraying program will make summer more enjoyable for both you and your family.
You’ve taken care of those mosquitoes, now what about those pesky ticks?
If you’ve got mosquitoes or ticks, please call 888-879-6481. Envirocare Pest Control, LLC can help.