Termite exterminators in CT are not all created equal. This has never been more apparent to me than it is right now. This past week I was called to a home with termites in Bristol, CT. Termites had been found during a recent home inspection and the homeowner was looking for quotes.
Upon inspecting the home I confirmed that in fact there were termites just as the home inspector had said. The termites were in the exact spot that he had noted and there was no other damage or live termites. At this point the only questions were how was the treatment going to be done and how much would it cost. I proceeded to make a graph of the home and map out the linear footage. It came out to a very typical 130 linear feet which correlates to a very typical termite treatment cost of $850 plus tax.

I reinspected the interior of the home as I normally do so that I can map utilities, electric lines and the like. When I went into the furnace room what I found is pictured to the left.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with construction those are water pipes that penetrate the slab and feed the heat for the basement radiators. Within each of those pipes is water. What’s not pictured is where the termites are gaining access into the home and why these pipes are a problem.
The pipes flow in the direct path of where the termites are coming up in the middle of the home at a crack in the slab. The problem is that without the knowledge of how to “get around” this issue there’s a strong likelihood that the pipes will be hit and punctured during treatment or the area will go untreated. The company before me chose the latter.
In the company’s defense they know the pipes are there as the owner told me as much. The surprise is how they plan to deal with them. They’re not going to treat the area at all!!!!! Keep in mind this is where the termites are. Not exactly text book.
Our proposal included a well thought out way to treat the entire home inside and out for the same termite treatment price with no chance of hitting the pipes and a full 2 year warranty. The service would be a conventional liquid termite treatment with Termidor and take about 4-5 hours to complete.
The owner was happy with our explanation, price and professionalism. We’ll be treating the home this spring for the new owner.
If you need a termite exterminator call Envirocare Pest Control at 1-888-879-6481. We can help.