Today I went to a house that our company Envirocare Pest Control treated for termites. The home is located in Wolcott, CT. When the home was originally treated for termites the damage was extensive. The sill plate along the front and right side of the home was so badly damaged from termites that the entire sill plate needed to be replaced. Termites were also found in the wall studs of the finished basement.
Typically, when a home has termites there’s a main area that sustains most of the damage. The reason this particular home had termites in such a wide area was that the front and right side of the home had siding that extended approximately 5″ below the soil. This allowed the termites unfettered access to the sill plate without the possibility of visual detection
While doing the treatment we suggested to the homeowner that removing the siding to ground contact was in his best interests. The homeowner agreed and we completed our treatment. We recently returned to check on our work and renew the termite warranty for the home, what I found floored me.
Here’s what we found:
Now, you have to understand every termite exterminator in the United States recommends this and more often than not the homeowner says they’ll take our suggestion, but they never do.
However, this gentlemen did it! It looks great and he lessened the likelihood of having future termite activity. Congratulations Mr. John Doe
If your home as termites in Bristol, Wolcott or the surrounding towns, call Envirocare Pest Control at 1-888-879-6481. We can help