Termite treatment for a home is a common service provided by most exterminators. Some are more effective than others. At Envirocare Pest Control, we provide both liquid and termite bait treatments. Of the two treatments the one that we are most called upon to provide is a convention style liquid termite treatment with a material like Premise or Termidor. I personally think conventional treatments are far more effective than the bait systems.
Here are the basics of each termite treatment method:
Conventional Termite Treatment:
- Inject Termidor into the soil at the exterior perimeter of the home into a 3″x6″ trench
- Drill abutting concrete or tar slabs and inject Termidor into each 12″ spaced hole. Plug then patch.
- Provides control within 3 months and keeps working year round with no attention
- Experienced professionals can easily provide this services safely
Bait System
- Drill holes in soil around the structure and insert a plastic tube with wood in it
- Wait for termites to find it
- Wait for termites to find it, etc, etc, etc
- When and IF they find the station bait is added so that termites can bring it back to the colony
- Pest control company must inspect monthly, bimonthly or quarterly in order for it to be effective. This must be maintained for years
I mainly disagree with the baiting systems because more often than not stations are damaged in between inspections just as the picture below depicts. This picture is of an abandoned Sentricon system in Southington, CT. If the baiting process is interrupted any feeding on that station must begin again. This is not a good thing.
Also, bait systems are inherently more expensive than a conventional termite treatment over both the short and long term.

If you need at termite treatment for your home or know someone that does, call Envirocare Pest Control at 1-888-879-6481. We can help