Over the past 20 years I’ve frequently been asked where in a home do I often find termites and how can I avoid a termite problem? The answer to this question has no easy answer, but if you were to ask 10 termite inspectors to name the top three spots where they expect to find a termite problem, it would be these areas.

#1. Front or back stoop
Termites have the ability to create shelter tubes between the homes foundation and concrete structures that are against, but not attached to the home. This is the number one area to find a termite problem.
#2. Garage door framing
Garage door frames are constructed in such a manner that the frame is directly over the joint created by the driveway end and the garage floor beginning. Termites are easily able to make it into this wood. Currently, builders use pressure treated wood to avoid a termite problem. However, this isn’t a problem for termites, they tube right over it.
#3. Expansion joints between foundation walls and floors
Typically tubes are easily spotted when they’re located in this area. They’re out in the open with no protection other than the tube itself.
Termites in Connecticut are cryptic by nature which means they don’t want to be found. The preceding list is by no means complete. A termite problem can be anywhere including wood to ground contact, on the exterior covered by a low siding, deck posts etc.

The only way to avoid a termite problem is to have a termite inspection. Envirocare Pest Control covers most all of Connecticut for termites. If you live in Southington, Waterbury, Fairfield, Trumbull, Oxford, North Haven, Hamden or any of the surrounding towns you should have a termite inspection every year. For whatever reason these towns seem to have higher termite activity than others.
Call Envirocare Pest Control at 1-888-879-6481 if you suspect you have a problem with termites.