Much like the nearby towns, Brookfield, CT has a high probability of ticks in this town. Ticks are known to congregate in wooded areas with plenty of deer and mice. If you live in Brookfield, CT then you know there are plenty of each of these pests.
The 5 Steps of Providing Tick Control
- Sanitation: Sanitation is required in order to make a yard less vulnerable to deer ticks. The steps required can be time consuming you should make every attempt to complete them. Some of the steps required include keeping grass cut low, removing leaf debris and breaking down wood piles that are attractive nesting areas for mice and ticks.
- Personal Protection: Any tick control program that does not include regular tick checks for a family is bound to fail. Having a yard treated for ticks does not guarantee that your yard will not have ticks. Protect yourself.
- Inspection: Know the areas where ticks are likely to frequent and keep people and pets clean of this area.
- Application of a pesticide: Applying appropriate tick control pesticides to areas where ticks are likely to be found is one way to reduce the population of all stages of the tick life cycle.
- Lowering rodent activity: Nymph stage ticks acquire the tick virus from the white footed deer mouse. A rodent management program will lower the rodent population of infected ticks.
How to Set Up a Tick-Free Zone in Your Yard
Many homeowners who have children are interested in setting up tick free zones. The appropriate way to do this involves a lot of manual labor, but once completed can yield very good results.
The process for setting up a tick free zone in your yard is as follows:
- Remove all perimeter yard debris including brush, leaf litter and small trees
- Push the yard “transition zone” to the woods further back
- Remove grass under fences
- Remove thick mulch areas around the home
- Replace all mulch with stone and install a 3’ wide path of stone between the yard and the woods transition area. (Stone can also be placed under fence areas so that weeds don’t return. Placing down landscape fabric under the stone will make the area maintenance free for years to come.)
Setting up a tick-free zone is not a guarantee that you will not have any ticks. However, a tick-free zone, along with a judicious application of a labeled insecticide and regular tick checks, will go a long way in the prevention of a pest that most homeowners should have a healthy fear of.
Schedule Your Appointment Today
If your yard has ticks, call Envirocare Pest Control in Danbury at 203-791-2692 or simply fill out the form and we’ll return your call within one business day.